crypto currencies on platform 1

bitcoin vs US-Dollar
bitcoin vs jpy
bitcoin cash vs USD
ethereum vs US-Dollar
ethereum vs jpy
bitcoin cash vs jpy
litecoin vs US-dollar
litecoin vs jpy


The mutation to fad is certainly another aspect for caution, because there are more and more cryptocurrencies entering the market. The Bitcoin has recently benefited from its name recognition. There is also the Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Neo, Litecoin, Monero, Dash, ZCash and many others. Already 1.500 different cryptocurrencies are on the market and there will be more.

The Bitcoin protocol an therewith the amount of Bitcoins which can be produced is limited to 21 million. The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) have approved Bitcoin for future-trading.

If you want to exchange crypto currencies into state currencies or vice versa via a "wallet", the company that provides this service must first have the corresponding quota free. This is not always the case or is often insufficient. The exchange does not take place immediately.


Cryptocurrencies are usually being traded in leverage 1:1 to 20:1 against the USD. Therefore, the regular Forex trade, which can be carried out on the same platform to a lever of 3000:1, remains undisputedly the preferred product of most investors.

In January 2021, the head of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde called for regulations to be enacted on a global level and described Bitcoin and other crypto currencies as reprehensible.

On June 29, 2022, negotiators of the EU Parliament and the member states agreed on an amendment to the law that will track and identify the transfer of digital assets in the future. The crypto industry and lobby groups resisted these plans in vain.

Apart from the price fluctuations, the advantage of cryptic currencies lies in the anonymity. Very easy to transport, whether on a stick or in form of a QR-code.